1.Its physical incarnation was easy to picture: hardware such as routers and switches, which direct traffic through a network.
2.This can help you gain lasting, merit-based links and loyal followers who generate direct traffic and "spread the word. "
3."We are holding the city together, " says one of Mr Ouattara's former fighters, using his rifle to direct traffic in the city centre.
4.The essential plumbing components are the routers, which direct traffic on computer networks.
5.To go around this block, you can use IBM HTTP Server (IHS) (Apache) rules that direct traffic to a clone based on URL query strings.
6.These specialised T cells are thought to be the ones that direct traffic.
7.But why do people want me to direct traffic, when I would much rather go fishing?
8.Ever since Twitter gained in popularity, hackers and spammers have been using the service to direct traffic to their unsavory websites.
9.Convenient traffic, the number of lines to direct traffic.
10.Sure, you can likely scrounge together some visits and show some growth but you won't build direct traffic or a direct audience through it.